What Does Warehouse and Logistics Insurance Cover?

Warehouse and logistic insurance go by many different names. Those names include warehouse legal liability insurance, warehouse workers’ legal liability, or warehouse operators’ legal liability insurance. If you own a warehouse or logistics company, this is a type of insurance product that you should consider purchasing. Unfortunately, the staff at Commercial One Insurance Service, serving the greater Burlingame, CA area, have seen that many warehouse owners do not know this product exists. Read on to learn more about what warehouse and logistics insurance covers and why it may benefit your business. 

What Does Warehouse and Logistic Insurance Cover?

Warehouse and logistics insurance is designed to cover four different things. This includes people, equipment, buildings, and goods. This means that this type of insurance helps to protect your workers who may become injured, helps to cover the equipment in your building, including forklifts, helps to cover the building itself, and helps to protect the goods that are stored in the building, including goods that you manufacture or goods that you are preparing to ship out. 

What Are the Benefits of Warehouse and Logistic Insurance? 

If you own a warehouse and logistic service, you have a lot of money tied up in your building, equipment, employees, and the goods you produce or ship. Events such as fire, theft, or flooding can damage your building and the items stored in your building. Warehouse and logistic insurance are designed to protect your business from catastrophic events. 

If you are looking for warehouse and logistic insurance in the greater Burlingame, CA area, Commercial One Insurance Service would love the opportunity to help you. Call or email us today to discuss your business and what insurance products we have that can benefit you.