What Does Warehouse and Logistics Insurance Cover?

At Commercial One Insurance Service, serving the greater Bay Area region, including Burlingame, CA, we understand the complexities of managing a warehouse and logistics operation. Protecting your assets and operations is crucial, and warehouse and logistics insurance is designed to do just that. Let’s explore what this type of insurance typically covers.

Property Damage

This insurance covers damage to your property, including the warehouse building and its contents. Protection against fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters safeguards your physical assets.

Inventory Protection

Your inventory is the lifeblood of your business. This insurance covers loss or damage to goods stored in your warehouse, whether they belong to you or a third party. Coverage can also extend to goods in transit, ensuring inventory protection throughout the supply chain.

Liability Coverage

Accidents happen, and liability coverage is essential. This insurance covers legal fees, medical expenses, and damages if someone is injured on your premises or if your operations cause damage to third-party property, helping protect your business from costly lawsuits.

Business Interruption

Unexpected events can disrupt operations. Business interruption coverage compensates for lost income and ongoing expenses if your warehouse operations are halted due to covered perils, aiding smoother recovery from disruptions.

Equipment Breakdown

Warehouse operations rely on various equipment, from forklifts to refrigeration units. Equipment breakdown coverage helps cover repair or replacement costs if essential machinery fails, minimizing downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.

At Commercial One Insurance Service, we’re committed to helping you find the right warehouse and logistics insurance for your needs. Protecting your business in Burlingame, CA, is our priority. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with your insurance policy. We’re here to help you safeguard your operations.

Liability Protection for Your Dining Establishment

Property damage, physical injuries, and illnesses are just a few of the issues that a restaurant owner may face. Learn how liability insurance could potentially protect your dining establishment.


  • Fires
  • Break-ins
  • Food/alcohol poisoning
  • Slip and fall incidents
  • Personal property damage

Legal Matters

The list above highlights some incidents that you could potentially encounter as a restaurant owner. Without adequate liability protection, you could be held responsible for all the costs associated with defending yourself in a court of law. 

Initial Assessment

Perform an initial assessment of your restaurant to identify risks. During the evaluation, create a list of any dangers that are uncovered. For instance, if some of your equipment is damaged, prepare a record of these details.

The initial assessment will help you formulate a safety plan to minimize the risk of an accident occurring at your business.


Prepare a security plan. Although you may have already decided to purchase more liability protection, you should take measures to keep your employees and patrons safe.

Installing new fire alarms or having appliances professionally inspected and repaired could mitigate risks. Properly training your staff members to prepare and serve food can also benefit you.

Insurance Coverage

Decide how much liability protection you need. The size of your dining establishment, the number of items on your menu, and the exact services you offer will help you pinpoint the type of protection needed.

Contact Commercial One Insurance Services

Contact one of our agents who serve the Burlingame, CA region. At Commercial One Insurance Service, our clients come first. One of our agents will prepare your commercial liability insurance policy.

Home Improvements and Your Insurance Policy

Did you know that completing home improvements could affect the amount of insurance coverage you need? Use the steps below to guarantee your residence is equipped with the necessary protection.

Project Overview

First, outline the type of project that you plan on completing. Your outline should include the materials and labor that are needed to complete the upgrade.

Outlining the project will allow you to pinpoint the investment you will be making. If the project is going to be extensive, you will definitely benefit from ensuring the materials used to complete the upgrade.

The additional protection will protect against theft, vandalism, and acts of nature. If you seek liability protection, the additional coverage will provide protection if anyone is injured within your residence.

Risk Level

Examine the risk associated with completing each home improvement project. If you are going to add a walkway or a retaining wall, for instance, determine the likelihood of the addition becoming damaged or causing an injury.

Your risk level should be taken into account when modifying your existing home insurance policy.

Environmental Concerns

Focus on any environmental concerns that could lead to needing to file an insurance claim. If a home improvement is prone to moisture, heat, or precipitation, seeking insurance coverage for the materials used to complete the upgrade is a good idea.

The protection you acquire can be used to repair or replace any materials that are accidentally damaged or destroyed in the future.

For More Help, Contact Our Team!

Meet with one of our agents serving Burlingame, CA. A Commercial One Insurance Service agent can update your home insurance policy or help you find new coverage. Contact our office to get a quote.

The different types of auto insurance coverage

Auto insurance policies typically include several types of coverage. The actual coverage you need can depend on a range of factors, including whether you’re still making payments on your car, the car’s value, and potential threats such as weather or crime rates. Commercial One Insurance Service offers policies covering all these areas for our clients in Burlingame, CA. Let’s delve into each type of coverage.

Liability Coverage

This basic auto insurance type is mandatory for all drivers in Burlingame, CA. The main reason for this requirement is to ensure that drivers are financially responsible for any damage they cause during an accident, which liability coverage addresses. Policies in California generally offer coverage up to several thousand dollars for property damage and injuries.

Collision Coverage from Commercial One Insurance Service

If you want to cover the costs of damage to your own vehicle, you will need collision coverage. Remember: your liability coverage is designed to cover damage you cause to other drivers and property, not your own vehicle. Collision coverage protects your investment in your car.

Comprehensive Coverage

Other than accidents, motor vehicles can experience losses and damage from theft, vandalism, severe weather, and other unexpected events. If you are concerned about all potential sources of damage, you might want to consider comprehensive coverage.

Exploring Auto Insurance Options with Commercial One Insurance Service

At Commercial One Insurance Service, we are ready to provide these three types of auto insurance coverage. Contact us to set up an auto insurance policy or inquire about how our auto insurance services can help you.

Warehouse And Logistics Insurance Upgrades for Your Place Of Business

Enhancing Business Operations with Commercial One Insurance Service

Evolutions in your business operations could mean necessary adjustments in your commercial insurance policy. Efficiently managing these changes can help better protect your business. If you’re in Burlingame, CA, our experts at Commercial One Insurance Service can provide the required assistance tailored to your unique needs.

Refining Storage Practices

Effective storage measures are crucial in maintaining the condition of your inventory and machinery. Using suitable storage materials can significantly reduce the possibility of theft and vandalism. Perform an assessment of your warehouse setup and identify vulnerable items. Consider investing in storage units and containers to secure your business assets properly.

Upgrading Lighting Systems

Installing modern lights can enhance visibility, making your warehouse safer and potentially deterring trespassers. Inspect your property for areas currently lacking adequate lighting. Once the new lights are installed, it’s essential to update your insurance policy to reflect these improvements.

Boosting Security Measures

Incorporating advanced security devices on your commercial property can significantly enhance protection against theft, vandalism, and unpredictable damage. Each area where business activities take place should be equipped with appropriate security devices for optimal security.

Investing in Logistics Equipment

Accounts for modern logistics paraphernalia like dashboard cameras and GPS devices can help ensure the safety of your delivery drivers. Some of these tools can also deter theft and vandalism. Ensure you research thoroughly before investing in such equipment, prioritizing those that allow remote monitoring for seamless operations.

After considering all these factors and modifying your business operations accordingly, reach out to our skilled agents at Commercial One Insurance Service based in Burlingame, CA. We will ensure that any necessary updates or changes are implemented in your existing insurance policy effectively.

Innovative Liability Coverage in Commercial Insurance for Emerging Technologies

In the ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies, commercial insurance is undergoing a noticeable shift in and around the Burlingame, CA, area. As businesses turn toward cutting-edge innovations such as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and blockchain, the need for innovative liability coverage becomes increasingly apparent.

Addressing Uncharted Risks

Commercial insurance providers are rising to the challenge by developing innovative liability coverage tailored to the unique risks associated with these technologies. This proactive approach ensures that businesses can harness the benefits of innovation without being blindsided by unforeseen liabilities.

Cyber Liability in the Age of Connectivity

Innovative liability coverage in commercial insurance includes robust cyber liability protection, addressing the potential fallout from data breaches, cyberattacks, and privacy infringements. This specialized coverage is crucial in an era where data is a valuable asset and a prime target for malicious actors.

Adapting to Autonomous Vehicles

With the expansion of autonomous vehicles, the automotive landscape is transforming. Commercial insurance is innovating to keep pace, offering liability coverage that adapts to the unique risks associated with self-driving technology. Even the robotic safety features enhance the experience. From addressing liability in the event of accidents to navigating the complexities of human-machine interactions, this coverage is instrumental in supporting the growth of autonomous vehicle technologies.

Navigating Legal Complexities with Blockchain

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing various industries, but its adoption brings legal complexities and potential liabilities. Commercial insurance is at the forefront of innovation by offering liability coverage that navigates the legal intricacies of blockchain. This includes coverage for intelligent contract disputes, data integrity issues, and other unique challenges this decentralized technology presents.

How Commercial One Insurance Service Can Help You

At Commercial One Insurance Service, we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Burlingame, CA, area. Call us today.

Three Ways to Prolong Your Wood Deck

Many homeowners in the Burlingame, CA area who have a home insurance policy with Commercial One Insurance Service own wood decks on their properties. These are meant to last for years and should be maintained so that you do not have to replace them regularly or be found liable in court for damages. 

Add Waterproof Sealant

At least once a year, it is an excellent practice to add water sealant to your wood deck. This keeps the water from rain and snow from causing long-term damage to the wood railing and deck floor. It would be best if you did it about the same time every year so that it retains it and you do not have a time gap. 

Replace Rotten Wood

Over time, some pieces of the deck will rot and break. Make sure that you replace these pieces right away. When you replace them, you need to use treated wood for your deck to last longer and stand up to the elements. This also keeps the wood surrounding these areas from getting worse. You could attract unwanted pests to your deck if you leave it. 

Use Outdoor Paint to Repel the Sun

One of the worst damages for wood decks is sun damage. This is because it can be drawn to the deck, and if you do not use the right paint, you can cause more damage to the deck. With outdoor paint meant directly for sun damage, you can prolong the life of the wood and keep it from breaking down over time. This keeps accidents from happening and you from becoming liable in court. 

If you need home insurance in the Burlingame, CA, area, contact our Commercial One Insurance Service team. 

Dude, Where’s My Car?

So, you came outside one day, and your car was nowhere to be seen. You weren’t parked illegally and didn’t have any outstanding tickets. Quite obviously, someone stole your car! You start to panic. But you shouldn’t. It doesn’t look good, but you need to get a hold of yourself and do what you need to do. Maybe you can get your car back, and maybe you can’t. However, you may be compensated enough to buy another vehicle if you’re insured. Follow these steps.

Filing a Police Report for Your Stolen Car

  • Call the Police. Report the crime immediately. They will want to know the make, model, and color of your car as well as plate number, VIN, and the time and place where this happened. If your vehicle has a GPS system, this could be helpful in finding it. 
  • Call your Insurance Company. Once you have a copy of the police report, you can call your insurance company. They will want all the details. Make sure your policy covers theft. Comprehensive insurance most likely will. 
  • If Necessary, Call Your Home, or Renters Insurance Provider. If you have any valuables in the car, your car insurance will not cover them. You’ll need to file separate claims for them. 
  • Contact Your Lenders if Needed. If you have an auto loan or lease, your lender needs to know immediately. If documents were in your car, you’ll need to set up a temporary fraud alert with a major credit bureau. If a credit or debit card was in the vehicle, you may have to cancel it. 
  • Keep Calm and Carry On. Insurers typically wait about 72 hours after a theft to process an auto claim. There’s a 45% chance your car will be found before this time. Rental Reimbursement Coverage will pay your fare if you have to take public transportation. As this is not your fault, your rates won’t increase. 

Commercial One Insurance Service Serving Burlingame, CA

If you are in the Burlingame, CA area and need auto insurance, please get in touch with Commercial One Insurance Service. We’re here to help.

Storage with Confidence: How Warehouse Insurance Safeguards Your Goods

Warehousing in and around the L.A. and Burlingame, CA area is fundamental to modern supply chains and logistics, bridging producers and consumers. For warehouse operators and the businesses that rely on their services, warehouse insurance is a crucial component of risk management and asset protection.

The Role of Warehouse Insurance

Warehouse insurance, often categorized under commercial insurance, is specifically designed to safeguard the interests of businesses operating warehouses and storing goods in them. It plays a pivotal role in providing financial security and mitigating potential losses.

Key Benefits of Warehouse Insurance

  • Property Coverage: Warehouses are home to valuable goods, equipment, and machinery. Warehouse insurance offers protection against various perils, including fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. This coverage ensures that the financial burden is alleviated during property damage or loss.
  • Liability Protection: Warehouse operators can be held liable for damages or injuries on their premises. Warehouse insurance includes liability coverage, safeguarding businesses from legal claims and the associated expenses.
  • Business Interruption Coverage: Unexpected disruptions, such as fires or natural disasters, can halt warehouse operations. Business interruption coverage compensates for lost income during downtime and helps cover expenses related to resuming normal operations.
  • Cargo Insurance: For businesses storing goods in warehouses, cargo insurance is a vital addition. It protects against damage or loss of goods in transit or storage, offering financial protection in case of unexpected incidents.

Customized Policies for Warehouses

Warehouse insurance policies can be tailored to meet each warehouse operation’s unique needs and risks. This customization allows businesses to select the appropriate coverage levels and endorsements to address vulnerabilities.

Commercial One Insurance Service Can Help You

At Commercial One Insurance Service, we can help answer questions concerning warehouse and logistics insurance. We serve the L.A. and Burlingame, CA area. Contact us today.

Business Interruption Insurance: How It Helps You Prepare for the Unexpected

Running a business comes with its share of uncertainties. From natural disasters to unexpected emergencies, disruptions can occur at any moment. That’s where business interruption insurance steps in. Commercial One Insurance Service, providing commercial insurance in the Burlingame, CA region, wants you to understand how this type of insurance can help you prepare for the unexpected and keep your business afloat during challenging times.

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance, often called business income insurance, provides financial protection when your business operations are temporarily halted due to covered perils. It can help cover ongoing expenses and lost income during the downtime.

Coverage for Temporary Closures

When unforeseen events like fires, floods, or even a global pandemic force your business to close temporarily, business interruption insurance kicks in. It covers expenses like rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and employee salaries, ensuring that your business remains financially stable even when the doors are closed.

Rebuilding Your Business

After a disaster, getting your business back on its feet is a priority. Business interruption insurance can help fund rebuilding, repairing, or relocating your business premises. This ensures that you can resume operations as quickly as possible.

While we can’t predict the future, we can certainly prepare for it. Business interruption insurance is a crucial component of a comprehensive risk management strategy. It provides financial support during challenging times, allowing your business to weather the storm and emerge stronger. By understanding how this insurance works and ensuring you have the right coverage, you can safeguard your business’s future and better navigate unexpected disruptions. If you’re ready to learn more about purchasing a policy in the greater Burlingame, CA region, call Commercial One Insurance Service today.